Today in class, me and my group had a more real world talk today. We talked less about the actual project, and more about the materials that we would need to complete it. My group and I want this film opening to look as good and as professional as possible. That is just not an option, if we are using something like a smartphone camera. So, all period we decided to do our research on different things like cameras, and editing software that we feel will be adequate for us to do our best work.
Max, our director, told us all about a camera that is able to use 55mm lenses. Apparently, it is good for getting extremely crisp shots. This is extremely helpful, as not only does it give us beautiful looking shots, but the lenses itself are described as "ideal for compressing perspective and taking portraits or closing in on details". For this film opening, we want people to see as much detail as possible. If you do not have a good camera, then your film will suffer. This is exactly why we spent so much time talking about this, because even though it may not seem like it, this is honestly something that can make or break our film.
We also talked a lot about the different editing software's we could possibly use. There are a ton of extremely good options to choose from. Some of the most famous ones are ones like VideoStudio and Visio Standard, but we will be using what we think is the most famous one of all. That would be Adobe Premiere Pro. Adobe Premiere Pro has many options that these other editing software's do not have. When my group and I talked about it, we all thought that it would be most beneficial for us to use that software, especially since our groupmate Max, as well as myself, have past experience using the program. I can speak from experience when I say that the program is very high quality. It has never disappointed me in the past, so I do not think it will disappoint this time.
Overall, while today we did not talk much about our actual project, I still would consider the day a success. Decisions like these are extremely important to a project like this one. Obviously, no matter what we use, we will still try to make the best film opening possible, but having these types of tools at our disposal really means that we can make our project the best it can be. Next class, I believe we will be having a conversation about the films in our chosen genre that we are inspired to do this film by. I know that it will be an interesting conversation to have, as there are so many good options to choose from for inspiration.
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